In addition, the cost of web hosting needs to be considered when planning your website. Web hosting is that web space where your files will be kept so that anyone can have access to them at any point in time. There are different web hosting packages and their costs vary depending on their features. Your hosting requirement will go a long way in determining the ideal package for you. Some of the factors that affect hosting prices include file storage allocation, bandwidth, number of sub-domains that can be created, database plugins, number of possible email accounts and so on. Typically, the cost of web hosting shouldn't be more than $8 per month and if you choose a yearly plan or more, you will get discounts.
Web design is another process that your website will go through before it becomes operational. The cost of designing a website varies and there are lots of factors that are considered before a web developer will give you a fee. Some of the factors include the number of pages you intend to build, the type of site (eCommerce or blog), number of plug-ins or databases, mobile responsiveness, content creation and management, client training/documentation, client support, testing, etc. However, between $5,000 and $200,000, you should be able to get the perfect design for your website depending on your requirements.
Website promotion is also very vital in this mix. If you register your domain name with the best registrar in the world, host it with a popular web hosting company, get the world's top web designer for it, nobody will know about it if you don't promote it. There are many ways to promote your your website - search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, offline advertising and so on. The cost of website promotion depends on the strategy you adopt and it is recurrent. For example, you may decide to go for pay-per-click or pay-per-impression advertising or both. You may also decide to advertise on individual websites of your choice or make use of advertising agencies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Bidvertiser, Clicksor, just to mention a few.
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