If you want to choose a perfect web hosting plan for your website, it is very important to consider various factors that will assist you in making the right decision. There are different types of hosting packages with distinct features and majority of them come with free domain names. However, before going for a web hosting plan, especially one with a free domain name, it is very essential to consider the following factors.
1. Disk Space: Knowing the disk space that will be allotted to you will allow you to plan your files efficiently. In addition, you will be able to discover the right plan to go for because different types of plans come with different disk storage allotments.
2. Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the amount of data that will be transferred from your stored files to the computers of visitors to your site at a specific period. It is the measurement of the traffic that your website gets and it is preset every month. The type of plan you choose will determine the bandwidth you will get every month.
3. Reliability and Speedy Access: You should host your website with a reliable service provider with guaranteed speedy access. You wouldn't want it to experience daily frequent downtime which can deny your visitors access to it. Consequently, you can look for samples of websites hosted by your choice provider and see how fast they load at different times of the day. You should do this for about a week in order to get the best result.
4. Email: The number of email accounts attached to web hosting plans vary from one plan to another. The number of email accounts you want to open will determine the ideal package for you. Other email management features that you must look out for are autoresponder, email forwarding, spam protection, webmail, just to mention a few.
5.Technical Support: Even though a lot of tools will be given to you to manage your website, the support department of your service provider must be effective, especially the technical support. It should be able to address issues promptly no matter the day or time of receiving complaints.
6. Pricing: Hosing packages are priced monthly, quarterly, annually, biennially, etc, and the longer the period of package, the higher the discount given to you. Free domain names are also attached to some plans, especially if you subscribe to a minimum plan of one year. It is important for you to compare prices thoroughly in respect to your choice features and it is advisable to go for a minimum plan of one year in order to get free domain names and a discount.
$1/ mo Hosting + Free domain! Stick it to the slow websites!
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