The only way to get a .com domain for free is to purchase an annual web hosting service from a reputable company. The other features of the hosting service will depend on the package you choose. But generally, you will be given a certain space for your file storage, bandwidth, email accounts, sub-domains, MySQL for database management, email forwarding, DNS management and so on.
However, in order to prevent other people from registering names similar to yours, it is important for you to protect the identity of your website online. You should endeavor to register variations of your name - many of them will be suggested to you at the point of registration - so as to maintain your online identity. For example, if the URL of your website is '', you should register other variations like '', '', '', just to mention a few and this will ensure that you are the only one using all the variations of your name.
Furthermore, you should register your domain name on a safe platform. It is important for you to deal with an ICANN accredited registrar or else, you are taking a bigger risk with your money. There are rules for domain registration and only those accredited will be in the best position to play the game according to the rules. Website building is a costly exercise but if you are able to get a free domain right from the onset, you will be able to offset some of your expenses.
$1/ mo Hosting + Free domain! Stick it to the doubters! Put your big idea online!
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