Friday, May 20, 2016
Several boys have sex with girl, 15, in South Fort Myers High School bathroom
Lee County Deputies said a 15-year-old South Fort Myers High School girl had sex with multiple male students in the bathroom of the school. "Shock. Disbelief. Concern. Sad," Eric Struble said. He's a parent to two 15-year-old girls.
Fox4now.com reports that the girl admitted to having sex with multiple male students in the bathroom, and 25 male students were identified going inside the bathroom during the timeframe the girl was inside. Students said it happened in the main boys bathroom on the second floor.
"Like, how did it happen? Like, where was everybody at?" 18-year-old SFMHS student Petislin Cadeau said. He said he heard some of the football team was involved, and the incident was caught on camera.
"I heard a video was around but I never really saw it or anything. It just like circulated around," Cadeau said.
Another student said it was recorded and sent around school on Snapchat. The app allows you to record a ten second video of whatever you please, and once you choose who you want to send it to, they can only open it once and it's supposed to disappear. The student said some of the videos were saved.
"It's our job to protect our children and to teach them right from wrong," Struble said. The incident happened after school hours, but Struble said parents should have still been told. "Somebody should have been notified or been aware of what was going on, I believe," he said. "You would think there would be more supervision basically to not allow it to happen," Cadeau said.
See the video here.
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